Her Spark asked Cisco Systems Engineer Meagan Raviele Five Questions. Here's what she had to say!

Q1: Who is your favorite female role model and why?
My favorite female role model was actually back when I was in middle school. I had a minority woman teacher in math and science who made learning so much fun that she could always keep her entire class engaged – even for those who hated school. She always had clever ways of teaching us new concepts. For example, we learned that mass is neither created nor destroyed by measuring ingredients before and after cooking omelets in class. Middle school is such a critical point where girls might shy away from STEM, but this teacher encouraged us to keep pursuing it. She is the reason I'm in the field of engineering today.
Q2: What are you reading right now? OR What's next on your reading list?
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is next on my reading list as part of a book club with my friends.
Q3: What's the best career or academic advice you ever received?
Become known for something. That is how you will begin to excel in your career and be esteemed by your peers. Find the intersection of what you are good at AND what you love doing – that's when you know it's truly your strength.
Q4: Her Spark's mission is to equip girls with the STEM skills and opportunities to succeed in the careers of tomorrow - dedicated to solving gender disparity in computer science, engineering, and technology careers. What does the Her Spark mission mean to you?
Her Spark's mission is important to me because it gives girls the same opportunity that I was fortunate enough to have growing up. Through Her Spark, girls can explore new passions and develop new skills in STEM. They are free to think of the world in a different way and, if they pursue a career in STEM, they can bring diversity to this field. Her Spark fosters a community of inquisitive young minds that can support and encourage each other.
Q5: What is your favorite part of Summer Summit? If you haven’t attended before, what are looking forward to the most?
The part of Summer Summit I look forward to most is the success the students feel after completing the workshops and the bubbling enthusiasm they have when sharing their accomplishment and new knowledge from the event.
Want to connect with Meagan via social media? Click the link below!
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/meaganraviele/