Her Spark asked Ernst & Young Principal/Partner Shelley Westman Five Questions. Here's what she had to

Q1: Who is your favorite female role model and why?
My favorite female role model is Ellen DeGeneres because she has succeeded being totally herself and believes and practices kindness, which is so important in today's world.
Q2: What are you reading right now? OR What's next on your reading list?
I read a lot, but I only read medical or legal thrillers. I am always at the library looking for good books!
Q3: What's the best career or academic advice you ever received?
I have a tie for the best:
1) You can't please everyone so focus on pleasing yourself and being yourself.
2) My favorite quote is "At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees it boils." This means that it’s the one extra degree in work and life that leads to success. I look at this quote every day to make sure I am giving the one extra degree!
Q4: Her Spark's mission is to equip girls with the STEM skills and opportunities to succeed in the careers of tomorrow - dedicated to solving gender disparity in computer science, engineering and technology careers. What does the Her Spark mission mean to you?
I am passionate about getting more girls into STEM and I love Her Spark's mission. I firmly believe that girls need to see leaders who look like them in order to know they can succeed in all different types of STEM roles.
Q5: What is your favorite part of Summer Summit? If you haven’t attended before, what are looking forward to the most?
I loved being able to present the girls with options around cybersecurity. The cyber field still only has 20% of women, so it’s important we make girls aware of this career path, as it’s such a great career path. Where else can you find mystery, intrigue, teaming, constant learning and testing your skills against an adversary every day?
Want to connect with Shelly via social media? Click the links below!
Twitter: @ShelleyWestman
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/shelleywestman/